Boring cocktails

What bores you?

It’s nothing worse than going out with friends and looking at a menu only to find the worst drinks. Or maybe just some that doesn’t sound great. You take a chance on one and find out it doesn’t taste that great either.

It’s bad enough the drink probably cost $10 or more. But then you’re subject to having to finish the thing. Worst nightmare.

This is part reason I became a bartender. One that travels too. I love looking at different ingredients and getting an amazing idea. I also think the presentation of a drink also matters. People tend to taste with their eyes before their mouths even get a chance.

For National Margarita Day, check out my Gooseberry Margarita 🍹. Very tasty and delicious.

Gooseberry Margarita

For this recipe go to

Gooseberry Margarita Recipe

To find more recipes check out my book on Amazon

Cocktail Therapy on Amazon

Thank you for reading ❣️

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